The website, which refers to this Cookies Policy (the "Site"), is managed by ANTICA FATTORIA CASEIFICIO SCALABRINI DI UGO & BRUNO. S.S. ("owner", "we", "us", "our"). This cookie policy ("Cookie Policy") must be read together with our Privacy Policy. We invite you to consult our Privacy Policy for further information on what we do (and do not do) with your personal data and on how important we consider the protection of your privacy. We have prepared the following Cookie Policy to describe the types of cookies and other technologies used on our Site and platform and to describe the reasons and conditions for using cookies. Please note that we cannot offer our Site or our Services without sending some of our cookies and/or similar technologies to your device. Therefore, you authorize us to use cookies when you use our Site and our Services. However, you can avoid some cookies by configuring your browser settings or by directly refusing them from third parties.

Notification methods to the user and obtaining their consent

When you first visit the Site, a banner is displayed at the bottom of the screen to inform that the Site uses cookies as described in this Policy. The banner asks the user if they would like more information and contains a link to open the corresponding page. If the user decides to ignore the notification and continues to use the Site, a cookie will be stored on the user's computer to record that choice, and subsequent navigation of the website will be considered consent to the use of cookies on that website. The notification banner will not be displayed again on future visits to the website, but users have the option to remove cookies at any time through the browser settings.

If you decide to partially or completely remove cookies, it is important to remember that the use of the website may be affected by the removal of cookies, and if the computer on which cookies are disabled is shared, this removal will affect all users who use that computer.

The Web browser's Help section should contain information on managing cookie settings.

Where can I find more information about cookies?

Data Protection Authority:

The owner is not responsible for the content of third-party external websites that may or may not set cookies.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files found in your browser's directory. When you visit a website, a cookie sent to the device through which you access the website sends information to the browser. Cookies are very common and are used on numerous websites. This happens because cookies allow those who manage the website to do useful things; for example, a cookie allows the operator of a website to know if a computer (and probably its user) has visited the website before. Generally, the purpose of cookies is to improve the functioning of the website and the user's experience in using it, although cookies can also send advertising messages (as specified below). For more information on what cookies are and how they work, you can visit the website. Tutto sui cookies (Website in English).

Types of cookies

Essential cookies

These cookies are essential to allow you to navigate the Site and use all its functionalities. Without these cookies, which are absolutely necessary, we would not be able to provide you with certain services or functions, and browsing the Site would not be as smooth and easy as it should be.

Performance cookie

Performance cookies, sometimes also referred to as analytics cookies, collect information about how you use the website and allow us to improve its functionality. For example, performance cookies show us which pages are most frequently visited, enable us to verify recurring usage patterns of the website, and help us understand any difficulties you may encounter while using the website.

Functionality cookie

In some circumstances, we may use Functionality cookies. Functionality cookies allow us to remember the choices you make on the Site and/or the services you expressly request, in order to provide you with more advanced and personalized services, such as customizing a certain page or remembering if we have asked you to participate in a promotion.

Cookie Policy